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Hydro Boost Aqua Cleansing Wipes/With Cleansing Technology, Hyaluronic Acid and Moisturiser / 6 X 25 Pieces, 25 Ml

Hydro Boost Aqua Cleansing Wipes/With Cleansing Technology, Hyaluronic Acid and Moisturiser / 6 X 25 Pieces, 25 Ml

Regular price $35.00 USD
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  • Especially soft cleansing pads with hyaluronsure. The Neutrogena Hydro Boost Aqua cleaning pads contain a refreshing cleansing lotion, enriched with hyaluronic sure and glycerine. These ingredients are known for their moisturising properties and ensure intensive care of the skin. Die Tcher sind ideal fr alle Hauttypen und besonders sanft zur Haut
  • Effective removal of impurities and make-up. These cleaning cloths remove impurities and make-up, even waterproof mascara, mhelos and thoroughly. At the same time, they provide the skin with valuable moisture, so that it is not only clean, but also nourished and hydrated after cleansing. Perfekt fr die tgliche Reinigung
  • Refreshed and supple skin after cleaning. Thanks to the moisturising formula, the skin does not feel dry and stressed after using the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Aqua cleaning cloth, but refreshes, pure and sprably supple. Ideal fr eine schnelle und effektive Reinigung, die deine Haut strahlen lsst
  • Easy to use without washing. Simply unfold the cleaning cloth and gently wipe over the face. Kein Abwaschen ntig, was die Anwendung besonders praktisch und zeitsparend macht. Avoid contact with lips for optimal results. Perfekt fr unterwegs oder fr die schnelle Reinigung zwischendurch
  • Lieferumfang 6 x 25 Stck Neutrogena Hydro Boost Aqua Reinigungstcher Diese Packung enthlt insgesamt 150 Reinigungstcher, die fr eine langanhaltende Versorgung mit Feuchtigkeit und grndliche Reinigung sorgen. Ideal fr den tglichen Gebrauch, um deine Haut stets frisch, sauber und gepflegt zu halten. Vertraue auf die bewhrte Qualitt von Neutrogena fr deine Hautpflege
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